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50 Shades of Love: A Couple's Tantra Retreat

Precio: Desde $ 2,500.00 MXN Hasta $ 4,000.00 MXN
Citas al: 3222625229

Are you ROOMMATES or SOULMATES? Sadly, a lot of couples are roommates instead of soulmates. Because who taught you the necessary skills that you NEED in order to keep your relationship full of excitement, passion, fun, lust, and LOVE? <3 No-one right? No-one taught me either... but I've used everything I teach in my own relationship and can happily say that after 8 years of being married to my best friend and soulmate, our relationship keeps getting better and better! (Which is unheard of!) So don't let your marriage become one of the 67% of marriages that end in divorce - come join me and my husband on Sunday, May 19 in our first couple's tantra retreat here in Vallarta and learn how to re-ignite the flame in your relationship and/or take it to the next level! ;) Dr. Shelly Persad